Applicable crops for Quizalofop include peanuts, potatoes, flax, peas, broad-leaf vegetables and fruit trees. It mainly controls annual and perennial grass weeds in broadleaf crop fields. For example, setaria, stephanotis, hard grass, golden setaria, etc.

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Quizalofop-p-ethyl mode of action

Quizalofop-p-ethyl is an improved product after removing inactive optical isomers during the synthesis of gram of gram. Its mechanism of action and herbicidal spectrum are similar to those of Gramacin. Weed stems and leaves absorb the drug and conduct it in both directions up and down the plant body. It accumulates in the top and middle meristems, inhibits cell fatty acid synthesis, and eventually causes weed necrosis.

Quizalofop is a highly selective new upland field stem and leaf treatment agent. High selectivity between grassy weeds and dicotyledonous crops. It has good control effect on grass weeds in broad-leaf crop fields. Quizalofop acts faster and has a more stable effect. Moreover, it is not easily affected by environmental conditions such as rain, temperature, and humidity.

How to use quizalofop-p-ethyl

For annual grass weeds, you can wait until the weeds are in the 3-6 leaf stage, then use 40ml-60ml of 5% Quizalofop EC mixed with 40-50kg of water. Shake evenly and then spray the stems and leaves of the plants.

For perennial grass weeds. You can wait until the weeds are in the 4-6 leaf stage, then use 130ml-200ml of 5% Quizalofop EC mixed with 40-50kg of water. Shake evenly and spray it on the stems and leaves of the plants.

If there are many weeds or the weather is hot and dry. The dosage can be increased appropriately. The spraying time must be chosen when the soil moisture and air humidity are high. This is conducive to the absorption and conduction of refined grass by weeds. Therefore, it can maximize the effect of the medicine.

 Applicable crops for Quizalofop

Applicable crops for Quizalofop include peanuts, potatoes, flax, peas, broad-leaf vegetables and fruit trees. It mainly controls annual and perennial grass weeds in broadleaf crop fields. For example, setaria, stephanotis, hard grass, golden setaria, etc.

Quizalofop has no control effect on broadleaf weeds. However, it can effectively kill grass plants. Therefore, when using it, be sure to avoid grass crops such as corn, rice, and wheat.